Advertisement for Board Members for the Regional Economic Growth Partnership

Advertisement for Board Members for the Regional Economic Growth Partnership

As part of the City Deal, the Cardiff Capital Region is seeking to appoint Board Members for the Regional Economic Growth Partnership (REGP), which is currently being established.
The REGP will directly advise the Joint Cabinet and will be responsible for reviewing the Regional Economic Strategy and advise on City Deal Investment proposals. It will also have an advocacy role, promoting the Region as a prime investor and visitor location.

Download the full job description

Applying for the role of Board Member
If you are interested in becoming a Board Member for the Regional Economic Growth Partnership, please forward a copy of your CV, with a brief supporting statement (no more than 1 side of A4) to [email protected]. The closing date for submissions is 24th November. Further details can be seen in the Cardiff Capital Region Cabinet Report of 14th July 2017 which can be accessed here.

If you have any queries on the position please contact Jonathan Day by email at [email protected].